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TITLE I Program

MMS is a Title I school. This means that we receive Title I funds which are used to purchase a variety of supplementary teaching tools, teaching materials which supplement classroom instruction, and extra educational enrichment and assistance programs beyond the regular classroom. Research shows that how well a child does in the school depends a great deal upon how much their parents get involved in their child’s education. Parents can influence the success of their child in school more than any teacher or federal program. By becoming an active participant at your school, you will serve as a role model showing your child that you support his/her education.

MMS es una escuela de Título I, lo cual significa que recibe fondos federales suplementarios para usar en una variedad de herramientas para complementar  la instrucción en el aula y proveer enriquecimiento y programas de ayuda adicionales, mas allá de lo que se recibe en un aula tradicional. Los padres pueden ayudar e influenciar a sus hijos para que sean exitosos. Si desea ser voluntario en nuestra escuela no dude en contactarme y yo encontrare una oportunidad para usted. De la misma manera, si tiene preguntas, sugerencias o comentarios; no dude en contactarme también.

You can also find information from The Governor’s Office of Student Achievement on the Georgia School Grade Reports for the Marietta City school district and its individual schools.

View District-Wide Title I Information

2023-24 District Parent and Family Engagement Policy
First page of the PDF file: FY24_Parent_Family_Engagement_Policy