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Welcome to ESOL


ESOL Program at MMS

Welcome to ESOL at Marietta Middle School! Our goals are to help each student achieve academic success while developing English language proficiency. If you did not get a chance to attend our open house, then please view the open house Powerpoint and our syllabus for an overview of our program. Please contact an ESOL team member if you have any questions.

¡Bienvenidos a ESOL de Marietta Middle School! Nuestra meta es ayudar cada estudiante llegar a su éxito académico mientras desarrollan su capacidad del idioma inglés. Si no tuvo la oportunidad de asistir nuestra casa abierta, por favor vea la presentación y el plan de estudio para nuestro programa. Por favor contacte un miembro de nuestro equipo si tiene alguna pregunta.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ESOL?

ESOL stands for English to Speakers of Other Languages. Here at Marietta Middle School, we provide an English immersion program to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

How did my child qualify for ESOL?

When you enrolled your child in a Georgia school, you completed a home language survey that indicated that your child knew another language. As a result, a teacher administered a language assessment. Your child’s score on that assessment led to his or her placement in ESOL.

How can my child exit ESOL?

Each year we administer a language assessment (ACCESS) during the spring semester. That assessment tracks your child’s progress in language acquisition. Once they achieve an overall composite score of 5.0, they will have achieved English proficiency, and then they will exit ESOL services.

How can I help my child?

  • Become an active member of the PTA.
  • Participate in school programs and events.
  • Attend parent/teacher conferences and school-wide parent nights.
  • Make sure your child is completing their homework and independent assignments.
  • Contact your child’s teacher with any questions.

Preguntas Frecuentes

¿Que es el ESOL?

ESOL significa English to Speakers of Other Languages (o Ingles a Hablantes de Otros Idiomas). Aquí en Marietta Middle School, ofrecemos un programa de inmersión en inglés para desarrollar la escucha, habla, lectura, y escritura.

¿Cómo califico me estudiante para ESOL?

Cuando inscribió su estudiante a una escuela de Georgia, completo una encuesta de idioma de casa que indica que su estudiante sabia otro idioma. Como resultado, un maestro administro un examen de idioma. El resultado del estudiante en ese examen llego a su entrada en ESOL.

¿Como puede salir mi estudiante del programa ESOL?

Cada año administramos una evaluación del idioma (ACCESS) durante el semestre de primavera. Esa evaluación sigue el progreso de su hijo en la adquisición del lenguaje. Una vez que alcancen un puntaje general compuesto de 5.0, habrán logrado el dominio del inglés y luego saldrán de los servicios de ESOL.

¿Como puedo ayudar a mi estudiante?

  • Sea un miembro activo del PTA.
  • Participe en programas y eventos escolares.
  • Asista a conferencias de padres/maestros y noches de padres escolares.
  • Asegúrese que su estudiante está completando sus tareas/trabajos y asignaciones independiente.
  • Contacte a los maestros del estudiante con cualquier pregunta.

The Benefits of Multilingualism

There are multiple benefits to being multilingual, multiliterate, and multicultural in today’s global society. Knowing more than one language from birth, acquiring a new language through school, or learning languages later in life, can provide tangible advantages in many areas. From delaying cognitive signs of aging, to earning college credits, and getting a better job offer, multilingualism is an asset that can benefit English learners as well as native English speakers in a variety of ways.


  • Executive function
    • Attentional Control
    • Task switching (mental flexibility)
  • May delay the onset of age-related cognitive decline and the onset of illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease
  • Increased intellectual flexibility


  • Comparable or higher academic achievement of students in dual language programs as compared to students in English-only programs
  • Improved learning outcomes in various subjects
  • Bilingualism associated with increased high school graduation rates among children of immigrants
  • Leads to increased levels of creativity
  • Promotes higher levels of abstract thought and reasoning
  • Engenders enhanced metalinguistic awareness to support the learning of languages in the future


  • Greater job opportunities in multiple public and private sectors
  • Greater business opportunities
  • Bilingualism raises occupational status and earning potential
  • Language skills are in high demand for employment with the Federal Government
    • Critical Languages: Arabic, Hausa, Kurdish, Mandarin, Pashto, Farsi, Russian, Somali, Tajik, Turkish, Urdu


  • Understanding of other world cultures
  • Increased empathy development
  • Enhanced connections to heritage cultures
  • Promotes global awareness, reduced discrimination, improved self-esteem, and stronger cross-group relationships
Benefits of Multilingualism
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